Analysis of China's Economic Strategy and Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan, 2022


In 2022, the Public Fund "TALAP Center for Applied Research" conducted its second study on Chinese topics, the results of which are reflected in this report.

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Jan. 26, 2023

Views: 1035

For over three decades, China has amazed the world with the rapid pace of its economic growth. In the 70s, the Chinese economy was more agrarian and based on a command-administrative system, but as a result of consecutive market reforms, the economic landscape of the Celestial Empire has dramatically transformed.

By now, China has taken one of the leading positions among the world's industrial powers. In terms of nominal GDP size, China has long been the world's second-largest economy, and since 2014, its economy has taken the first place in terms of GDP by purchasing power parity.

In 2022, the Public Fund "TALAP Center for Applied Research" conducted its second study on Chinese topics, the results of which are reflected in this report. The study focused on the following aspects of China's foreign policy and Kazakh-Chinese relations:

  • mechanisms of PRC's foreign policy and international experience in interacting with China worldwide China's economic presence in Kazakhstan;
  • informational coverage of China's activities in Kazakhstan;
  • formation of the Perception Index of China in Kazakhstan;
  • issues of partnership between Kazakhstan and China.
Document 1

Analysis of China's Economic Strategy and Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan, 2022 (in kazakh)

File Size - 1.28 Mb, file type - pdf

Document 2

Analysis of China's Economic Strategy and Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan, 2022 (in english)

File Size - 1.18 Mb, file type - pdf

Document 3

Presentation of Chinabook2022: "Analysis of China's Economic Strategy and Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan"

File Size - 1.30 Mb, file type - pdf

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