Videos featuring center's experts
President: "The VAT rate should be differentiated" / Daily format / 02/10/25
In the center of Asia with Robert Frantsev
Point of view - The upcoming reform has a risk of going into an inflationary spiral - Askar Kysikov
Economy at the head | "Results"
VAT increase: will every Kazakhstani "pay"? | Daily format | 28.01.25
Askar Kysykov, TALAP - Taxes up, tenge down, privatization on pause | Arman Batayev |
Benefits under the new rules: what will change in 2025? | Daily format | 12/13.24
The lists include | "Results"
Withdrawal of pension funds: what will happen to your money? | Daily format | 09.12.24
Tenge is sinking behind the ruble. What's next?
Putin in Kazakhstan: the economy in the era of global change| Daily format | 11/27/24
Mandatory sale of currency: saving tenge or the path to inflation?
Where will Kazakhstan get the money? About Tokayev, the crisis, inflation and taxes
How to motivate banks to invest in the economy of Kazakhstan | Special Project
Kazakhstan's budget deficit, friendship enriched with uranium and CSTO exercises in Kyrgyzstan
The main conclusion from the message of President Tokayev | Expert's analysis: Are economic reforms real?
Point of view - The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan has no task for economic development, Askar Kysykov
Message-2024: "Favorable conditions for business development are needed" | Special Project
Budget by means | "Results"
State bodies will not fine: the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan told what measures they plan to apply …
What awaits the Kazakh economy: economists' forecasts
Banking bondage. Creditworthiness of Kazakhstanis: solutions and experience of other countries | Special Project
Why are food products becoming more expensive? The 0% installment plan is a big deception. Medicines and food ON CREDIT!
Careful, the debt pit! "Results"
What will the new Tax Code look like?
The tenge exchange rate, what to expect? "Results"
Regulation of the financial market. Day shift | 05/23/2024
The point of view is that the state is in debt, as in silk. What to do? - Askar Kysykov
Who should I trust with my pension? Tips from the head of Halyk Finance
Money loves the bill. "Results"
The youth is "squared". "Results"
Қазақстан мен Ресей арасындағы терең проблемалар туралы - Максим Шевченкомен сұхбат
Mutual consent. "upshot"
Housing market in Kazakhstan: forecasts and recommendations of economists
Will Russia buy our oil? About preferential housing, declarations and loans
Creditworthiness of the population: how to solve the problem?
What will the new tax code be like?
Do Kazakhstani people feel healthy?
OMUZAKOV LIVE | When you have a hammer, everything around seems like nails
The Burden of Debt. "Results"
Инфляция и кризис стратегического планирования
Infrastructure in Exchange for Pensions. "Results"
Закредитованность населения: Финансовая безграмотность или банковское лобби