China Perception Index in Kazakhstan, 2024

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Dec. 12, 2024

Views: 707

The target of study will be the growth of the index of China in Kazakhstan in 2024, analysis of its dynamics in 2020.

This is the fourth time in the framework of the specialized monitoring program of the center of Applied Research "TALAP", published in 2020.

The first studies were completed in September on economic, political, social and information aspects of the growth of China in Kazakhstan. In 2022, only an economic analysis was carried out, the public opinion did not take place. Since 2023, the monitoring project has been part of the own monitoring program of the center "TALAP" and has been developed for economic and sociological purposes.

Four main sources of data used in research in 2024:

The public meeting was held in October 2024. 1204 Chel. senior 18 years in all regions of the country. The issue represents the population of Kazakhstan on half, the rise, the corresponding urban and rural population, and regional distribution (a brief description in reference 1).
The focus is Group research, conducted by the TALAP Center in 14 regions of Kazakhstan, 152 sites, and included in the number of issues related to the entry of different countries.
The results of global decisions on the coming of China in different countries of the world.
Analytical publications on the issues of China in Kazakhstan, prepared on the basis of research.
The report will be released in September:

The dynamics of global indicators, on the basis of which the location of Kazakhstan on the world map of China has emerged.
The study on the issue of China in Kazakhstan has helped to improve and improve the results obtained in our study.
The index of China's growth in Kazakhstan and a detailed analysis of 31 changes, on the basis of which it will be discussed.
Analysis of geographical differences and determining the main factors, including determining them.
The report of international projects, implemented on the territory of the country, in particular, the development of current cases.
The creation of a matrix of foreign brands, working in Kazakhstan, their popularity and rating of the population.
Promising directions of cooperation of Kazakhstan with other countries. The location of China on a promising development map.

Document 1

The Index of China's perception in Kazakhstan in 2024 (in Russian)

File Size - 3.69 Mb, file type - pdf

Document 2

China Perception Index in Kazakhstan in 2024 (presentation)

File Size - 5.39 Mb, file type - pdf

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