China Perception Index in Kazakhstan in 2023


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May 15, 2024

Views: 1820

The purpose of the study is to calculate the perception index of China in Kazakhstan in 2023, analyse its dynamics since 2020, and identify the determining factors based on the public opinion survey.

The report includes the following sections:

  1. Indicators of Chinese presence in the personal information space of Kazakhstanis: the level of their involvement in the topic under study, sources of information about it, the main types of its consumption.
  2. A methodological description of the calculation of the four indicators and a detailed analysis of the variables on which they are based. Additionally, data from other studies are used to bring out the most about the topic.
  3. Analysis of the dynamics of indicators in 2020 -2023. This includes analysing structural dynamics to understand which variables led to changes in each indicator. Calculating the total perception index and analysing the nature and causes of its changes.
  4. Factor analysis based on the study of contingency tables. The influence of the main socio-demographic variables on the opinion of the population was studied. Numerous maps have been compiled to show geographical differences in responses.
  5. The position of China on Kazakhstan's foreign policy map is described, with conclusions regarding the reasons behind trends in Kazakhstan's perception of China and possible opportunities based on the findings of mathematical analysis.
  6. Findings of the study include possible forecasts of the prospects of the index change and the risks associated with it.
Document 1

The index of perception of China in 2023 (in Russian)

File Size - 2.00 Mb, file type - pdf

Document 2

China Perception Index in Kazakhstan in 2023 (in English)

File Size - 2.51 Mb, file type - pdf

Document 3

China Perception Index in Kazakhstan in 2023 (presentation)

File Size - 629.14 Kb, file type - pdf

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